Product Substrate Interaction Studies
Product Substrate Interaction Studies
In the field of skin care, whether it is cream, lotion, or mask, the overall ingredients can be divided into four main categories: main ingredients, moisturizers, active ingredients, and preservatives. Cosmetics usually contain a lot of ingredients. When so many ingredients are added together, what reaction would happen to each other, whether it will increase or decrease efficiency, and increase or decrease stability. It is impossible to simply judge through the ingredient list. Even top formulators cannot judge the characteristics of a product 100%.
The ingredients are matched with each other, and sometimes they can produce several times the effect. And this combination is summed up through a lot of experiments. For example, surfactants may affect preservatives, preservatives may affect the entire emulsification system, and some natural extracts as additives also have a certain antibacterial effect, so the amount of preservatives added needs to be reconsidered. Sometimes this combination is found to have luck. The interaction and collocation between these ingredients are the core secrets of the business, and it is difficult for others to judge from the ingredient list.
The interaction between cosmetic substrates is not fixed, and the interacting substrates are also different. Our expert team can customize a full set of testing services according to the specific products and needs of customers. We are happy to discuss the interaction between substrates with our customers. Welcome to contact us for project quotations and more detailed information.

For R&D and Further Manufacturing ONLY. Not for Personal Use.